2011 in its entirety me and I hope it was for you. All in all,my blessings are innumerable; believe me there are lots of things to be thankful for. I got my Bachelors degree at the age of 19(not a great feat to me though) with God's help and my lovely friends.
permit the stressed faces
Its also no news that i'm the newest Benin bound ahjuwaya having recently graduated from an otondo( I don't know what that means). I made new friends and connected better with old ones.
Inasmuch as no one is perfect, some grave mistakes were made but I've learnt greatly.
Enough talk, here are some amazing pictures I took during the course of the year.
Akufor and I |
my modelling stunts |
my styling faux pas |
girls day out |
Elegushi paroles |
there she goes again |
2011 will be gone in a few hours, so lets raise our glasses to a new year and toast to a good life.
Shoutout to my readers,make challenging resolutions and be self disciplined enough to fulfill them.